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Artist Biography


Diana Dominguez did not always know that she would try to become an artist. She often questioned where she was headed and what she hoped to accomplish. After a long journey of uncertainty, she has finally found her voice. Diana Dominguez now practices a variety of different art techniques such as illustration art, creating 3D renderings, and photography. She also likes to experiment with other mediums as a way to expand the techniques she is able to use.

 She constantly strives to learn more and creates artwork around the concepts that are meaningful to her personally. The most prominent being mental health and emotions. These artworks often include much darker and serious themes because she believes that mental health and emotions should be more openly talked about. She strives to create work that is relatable and that allows the viewer to see that they are not alone in feeling such intense emotions. 

Diana Dominguez has also started to become more open about her other interests and would like to create work that expresses how beautiful dream-like fantasy settings can be. She has taken a strong interest in character design after working on two games as one of the 

leading artists. She believes that video games are also considered art, because they incorporate a variety of techniques to bring forth an interactive narrative for the viewer. 

Diana Dominguez considers herself a late bloomer. As time goes by she grows in confidence in her work and her work continues to grow with her. She strives to refine the skills that she is learning in the variety of classes at San Jose State University. She is currently in the process of obtaining a bachelor of fine arts degree in digital media at San Jose State University.

About: Bio



2022 San Jose State University,
BFA Digital Media Art. (In Progress)


2019 Group Exhibition, Wireframe Sculptures, San Jose 
State University Art Building Gallery 3, San Jose, CA (Exhibition with Other students of ART 68 Beginning Sculpture )

About: CV
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